Understand the 4 Principles of Accessibility
If you sort through all the jargon, techo speak, and the mindless pages of regulation, you can discover that the essentials of Accessibility Boil Down to 4 Principles
- Is All Content Perceivable?
- Are All the Tools Operable?
- Are Processes Understandable?
- Is the Entire Platform Robust?
Perceivable Content
Disabilities produce circumstances and situations where one or more of the senses required to take full advantage of the intended beneficial purpose of a website are insufficient to do so. A website is accessible to the extent that it can be used as essentially intended in situations without use of the typically required sense.
If web content typically requires eye site for interaction, that content must be reconfigured in a way that an unsighted person could interact with it also. This requires the use of carefully constructed labels for photos and videos so that screen reading software can accurately describe the experience the sighted visitor has when viewing the content.
Click for Content Guidelines
Operable Tools
Some disabilities involve the restricted use of hands or the lack of typical motor function or coordination required to carry out intricate movements of a mouse, or a touchpad. In cases where a website's usability can be affected by the use of these cursor manipulating tools, it would be considered inaccessible to someone whose motor function does not permit holding, or whose motions are not steady enough for the interaction required.
In these cases content must be restructured in a manner where all of the functionality is able to be transferred to a keyboard. Tabs, arrows, keystrokes and keystroke combinations must be programmed into the interface, and consistently deployed so that usability does not require a mouse.
Click for Tool Guidelines
Understandable Processes
The intent of this guideline is to help users with disabilities by presenting content in a predictable order from web page to web page.
Ensuring that repeated elements occur in the same order on each page of a site helps users become comfortable that they will able to predict where they can find things on each page.
This helps users with cognitive limitations, users with low vision, users with intellectual disabilities, and also those who are blind.
All interactive elements in a website including but not limited to forms, menus, media players should also behave in a predictable manner when interacted with by the user.
Click for Process Guidelines
Robust Platform
Just like any other technology, assistive technology is continuously changing. You don't just roll out a bunch of accessibility features on your website and then call it a day. You need to constantly be updating and maintaining every part of your website so that it stays compatible with updated assistive technologies.
More than just a feature, accessibility as robust is a commitment. It won't be make enough to require users to adapt to your website; you must adapt to them and the technologies they use. This is how you achieve accessibility.
Click for Platform Guidelines
You'll Reach New Prospects. You'll Eliminate Significant Liability.
There is SO much misinformation and misrepresentation about Website Accessibility Compliance that confusion is the primary reason 98% of US websites are not accessible.
Help the world open up to millions of new people who can benefit from connecting with you.

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That's $B in lost opportunity. And today, it is also illegal.
Countries around the world recognize a huge inequity of value available to people with disabilities and are levying large fines and penalties against website owners who fail to make their websites accessible to all.
Be informed. Help others. Grow the market. Stay out of trouble.
Using proprietary cutting edge technology, built with unique AI algorithms, we can help you make your website and all your digital content accessible without modifying your code.
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